Tuesday 29 March 2011

Deer skin Tanning

I recieved a phone call from Old Bridge Inn Chef, Chris, a month back saying that they had just received 3 Sika deer and 2 Red deer from Rothimurcus to use for their Venison dishes, and would I be able to cure the skins for the pub. No problems said I, having done a fair amount of tanning in Backcountry Courses and off I went to pick them up.

The traditional way to cure skins in Scotland is by using the brains of pigs and sheep, or indeed that of the animal that you are tanning to treat the under surface. For the sake of hygiene and a reasonably polished finish I opted for the tried and tested method of using Alum
(Aluminium) Powder, Salt and Borax (an Acid used in the final stages of treatment).

After weeks of scrapping, soaking and stretching the skins all but one had taken nicely. The skin that hadn't turned out as hoped had been riddled with Bot fly larvae. The Bot fly lays its eggs on the under side of the animals pelt whilst it is still alive,the maggots then live and feed as parasites until they are ready to hatch and leave the host. This of course leaves the pelt cover
ed in tiny holes which affects the appearance and durability of the hair. Nonetheless 4 out of 5 aint bad.

As payment for the skins Chris, Gordy and the other guys laid on an unbelievably good feed for myself and the Mrs. 5 courses - including a new dish of his which comprised of roast duck breast on a bed of roast vegetables, North sea Cod, onion soup with truffle oil and locally sourced Salmon. Nice one fellas!

If anyone is interested in Backcountry skins we have a whole load of Roe deer, red deer and sika coming through shortly, all are from local estates and are sustainably farmed.

Thanks Neil


  1. Great post Neil, although locally sourced cod, do they swim up the Spey?


  2. Aye, fresh water cod, they swim up the Spey and spawn just outside Aviemore, where they then return to Peterheed! I suppose the bottom of the north sea isn't local. Good point Mikey!
